Tuesday, August 20, 2013

(Touching Story) A Woman Gives Birth To Tortoise In Lagos [SHOCKING PHOTOS]

(Touching Story) A Woman Gives Birth To Tortoise In Lagos [SHOCKING PHOTOS]

A tradomedical practitioner in Lagos has claimed that a 20-year vintage woman consigned a tortoise and a baby young female in his clinic. The woman, Rasheedat Raimi, said she had carried the pregnancy for 10 months before she eventually delivered the baby young female and the tortoise at a trado-medical clinic on Mutairu road, Off Ijegun street, outskirts of Lagos. She was in pains as she talked to P.M.NEWS about the strange consignment. “I came to Yakafi for prayers because of the awful pains I was having in my stomach. directly I got here, prayers were suggested and directly there was a blew of water and blood under me.

The tortoise came out with the placenta and the baby came out subsequent. I couldn’t accept as true my eyes, but I was very feeble. I was joyous the agony left me. I sensed reassured after the consignment. Ithank God,” she told P.M.NEWS gradually. On whether she came to ante-natal clinic before the delivery, the juvenile woman said: “I carried the pregnancy for 10 months. I did scans several timesand nobody notified me that I was carrying tortoisein my womb. What they alwaystold me was that I am alright and would consign at the right time,” she added. “This is astonishing, but true. She did not register with my clinic for ante-natal. When she came here with her people, she was in pains, we didn’t understand she will consign here.

She only camehere for Tahajjud prayers (night vigil). We were pleading when abruptly she started wriggling. She was in pains. “I affected her stomach and discerned something odd going interior her. It was a odd thing. I considered it was a lizard but it turned out to be a tortoise. The tortoise tore the placenta into pieces and came out. The baby came out after. “She fainted after the delivery and we had to revive her with prayers. This is what God can do. She had several scans but nobody notified her that she was bearing a tortoise in her womb. God is great,” he announced. Ladies and Gents, Our expertise can not glimpse bad religious matters(works). Only God can consign you when on this position. So, halt relying on expertise but God. I wish this story has assured you. It is well.

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