Sunday, February 22, 2015

Main Reason Why Importation Is The best Business In Ghana and How You Can Start Today

Importation business is now a Goldmine in Ghana. You need to go to Computer Village in Accra or any region in Ghana to see how people spend money on a daily basis on things like laptops, phones, cameras, computer accessories and other stuffs.

You will agree with me that if you can position yourself in one of these areas, you are going to make a lot of money on a daily basis selling these items here in Ghana.
Ghana is a fast consuming Nation
And the moment you realize the fact that Ghana is a consuming Nation, then the more you will realize that Importers make a whole lot of money and we all know Ghana hardly produce and so We depend mostly on imported goods…

and …Not only that, we cherish imported goods more than our locally manufactured goods!
So can you see that importation business is one of the best business you can venture into in Ghana that can make you enough profit,  whether you a student, worker, self employed, stay at mom or school dropout You can start your importation business right here in Ghana. So lets  first start with:

What's Importation Business?
According to Wikipedia Importation is the act of good and services brought into one country from another country. But in a simple term Importation Business refers to a business in which you buy goods from abroad (Europe,Asia,America etc) directly from the manufacturers at wholesale price and Import them down to Ghana to resell it and make Huge profit.

All competitive businesses should constantly be on the lookout for ways to improve supply chain management while cutting costs in the process. If your business wants to extend profit margins,  goods or raw materials is one potential path towards achieving this goal. Importing from offshore sources provides a host of benefits, including lower prices, higher quality goods, and the advant
ages associated with international trade agreements. While importing is a great idea for many businesses, it’s always important to perform careful research in order to avoid costly mistakes later on down the line.


Before I tell You How To Start, Let Me quickly Tell You The Requirement, All You Need To Start with.

1. You Must Be able To Browse The Net (Thank God You Can Do The Business Since You Are Able To Browse Through This webpage)
2. Your Home Or Office Address
3. Your Identity Card( Any type)
4. Your Start Up Capital (Base on the level of Your investment) you can start with as little as GH100

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